It’s no secret………..I’m in love with my crock pot. I work outside the home all day and then have to go pick my kids up at school. We usually get home around 5:30 or so. We then begin our nightly activities which begin anywhere from 6:00 to 7:00 usually. You can see where there isn’t much time to prepare a Real Food meal and then sit down and enjoy it. I know a lot of you, my friends, can relate.
Dinner is my favorite time of day. I tell my kids this all of the time. I am done with work and can relax and listen to the events of the day. My youngest says Grace every night and his words are like music to me. We often go around the table and I ask for Roses and Thorns (the good and the bad) from each of them. I get to find out all kinds of things about their day from these questions. I also think that nothing shows love like a home-cooked meal …………except maybe clean underwear. Both of which I take care of for my family.
My mission was to figure out how to maximize my time at the table and reduce my time in the kitchen. The crock pot has done that for me. I prepare the meal in the morning and it is ready when I get home. Set the table and start the fun. Here are some tips and tricks I have learned along the way in using a crock pot.
My first tip, is to remember that it doesn’t really all have to be prepared first thing in the morning. I use my pockets of time to chop carrots, potatoes, meat, etc and then in the morning I assemble the dish. You can also assemble everything at night and then put the ceramic insert of your crock with the lid on it in the fridge. Just add about 20 minutes longer to your cook time if you do that. Not only is the food cold, but so is the crock. It will take a little longer to warm up. Kind of reminds me of me. I’m a bit of a freeze baby.
A word on power outages and, not that this will ever happen ……….forgetting to start the cook time. If either of these things happens, you need to throw the entire meal out. This holds true even if the dish looks to be done. You won’t know how long the power has been out if you haven’t been home all day. This is for your own safety. Go to your emergency back-up foods if this happens.
Unless the recipe is a freezer meal, your meats need to be thawed out. I have converted some recipes to freezer meals. This just involves longer cooking times.
Use the correct size of crock pot for the recipe you are making. In this case, size does matter. You want your crock to be about half-way full. Using this rule, you will avoid burning and boiling over. Your food will also be able to cook more evenly. The majority of entrees will use 6 to 7 quart crock pots. For side dishes I will usually use a smaller 5 or 6 quart crock. The 4 quart crock I have my eye on would be great for desserts.
Also remember that the different brands of crocks cook differently. This means that you may need to experiment a little bit with cook time. Adjust your cook times to get the most flavor from your dishes.
If you would like to convert some of your traditional recipes to crock pot recipes, you will need to reduce the amount of liquid by about 1/2 cup or 1 cup. As the food cooks, the liquid evaporates to the lid and then drops back into the pot. It is a very nice self-basting process.
One last tip. This is a big one. The long cooking process degrades the flavor
of spices. My first recipes were all so very bland tasting. Season per recipe ingredients and then be prepared to add additional seasoning, including salt at the end of the cook time.
I hope these tips give you the confidence to give slow-cooking a try if it is new to you. I also hope it serves as a nice reminder for all of you cooking pros out there. The crock pot is really useful when Juggling Real Food and Real Life.
Let me know what slow-cooking questions you might have. I’ll do my best to address those for you. What are your favorite crock-pot recipes? How many times a week/month do you use your crock-pot? Do you use it seasonally or year round?
Don’t forget you can join us on Facebook for more fun and support along the way. You can also follow us on Twitter @Jugglngrealfood if you are interested in learning more about the Real Food Movement. You can also follow our boards on Pinterest. If at any time, you want to join the Juggling Weekly Challenges, you can do so by leaving me a comment below indicating your interest. I would love to know how many adults and how many kids are participating.
great tips!! i haven't used my crock pot in a few months, you have got me in the mood to bring it out and start my obsession with it all over again!!
I am proud to be a crock pot enabler. I love to feed the obsession. My crock pot has a permanent spot in my very tiny kitchen. We should start the rumor that the coolest moms crock all the time (like we do). LOL!
I love the crock pot too, and this picture is sweet. 🙂
Thanks for your kind comment. He is so sweet. He even prays before he eats his lunch at school. My kids all love it when I use pictures of them on my blog. Sometimes, I have to promise to use it on the blog to get them to smile for my photos. Hey! Whatever works, right?
I love the crock pot. I use mine at least once a week, more in the winter. Thanks for stopping by the Frugal Fit Family Friday Linky Party!
Once a week……..I think I can officially count you in my I'm hooked on crocking group……..if I had one. Hmmm….maybe I should start one?
Thanks for sharing this little part of your life with us. I have to admit that when family eats at the table I feel more whole. I miss that at my parents house my sister's don't always feel as inclined to sitting together, but more apart. I think I'm going to pull out my crock pot a little more. I think our busy lives could use it as well. Thanks so much for the warm thoughts. I am now a new follower and cannot wait to here more from you!
Thank you for your incredible sweet words. Comments like yours help me to remember that all the Juggling I do for my family is really worth it. Maybe you need to start some new traditions with your family. XO
Good thinking! I need to get my crock pot out more often & eliminate the 5:00 stress of "what's for dinner?!" 😉
I can't stand the "what's for dinner". It was always fast food when I had that question at 5:00. Now I can tell you what I am eating all next week. My kids love to see the calendar on the fridge too. It eliminates their whiny questions as well. My crock pot is my new fast food.
Yes, yes, yes! Gotta love the faithful crock pot! Such a stress reliever to know that dinner is in the pot and will be ready at mealtime.
I know that I am going to enjoy looking around at your previous posts. Real food (and sit down dinners) are challenges that can be met – thanks to people like you who help us figure out how to do it.
REsa ~ Pitcher and Plate
Welome Resa! I hope you come back often. I love your enthusiastic comment. We don't get to sit down together every night for dinner, but I do put it as a focus so it happens often. Life is just so much sweeter when my family is gathered together around the table.
Yum! I love crock pot, too and that picture is so sweet 🙂
P.S: I am your newest follower from the hop.
Have a lovely weekend.
Scudds xx
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you come back often to our little part of the world. Thank you for your kind words about my son's picture. The kids love to hear what people say about them.
Thank you for joining us at Tending The Home Tuesdays this week. I love my crockpot, and this is such a great post! I decided to feature you in this week's Weekly WRap Up. If you would like to come grab and "I was featured" button. Feel free at
Thanks for stopping by and for the feature. I will share the good news with all of my followers. I hope you come back to visit often.
I'm in love with my crock pot, too! I have one that is turning 20 years old in a few days! 🙂 Would love to have you share your tips and recipes with The Crock Pot Crowd. Feel free to post links back to your posts, too!
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your crocking love. I will check out the Google + community. Sounds like a place I should be hanging out.
Great to 'see' you! 🙂
I love my corck pot – it makes dinner time so much easier. I have created a few meal plans that you can create and freeze for your crock pot. Here's 25 recipes and I should have 5 more available this month.
Thank you for sharing your tips! I only cook for myself and my husband and have indeed burned a few meals. (but my husband is amazing, he doesn't say anything and eats it anyway!) 🙂