I started blogging to share the good news of Real Food. Not only is this the healthiest I have ever eaten, but it is also the best tasting meals I have ever eaten. That is pretty funny because I have never thought of myself as much of a cook. What I have found is that when you combine beautiful, simple ingredients……….great meals are made.
Along this Real Food Journey that I am sharing with all of you, I have met some wonderful people. One of my new Real Food friends is Kristine who blogs over at Real Food Girl: Unmodified. Today, I am blogging over on her page. Go check it out. It’s a great little oatmeal recipe full of nutrition and flavor.
While you are visiting Real Food Girl: Unmodified, why don’t you take a few minutes to stay and visit. She has lots of great information and recipes. Leave her a comment and let her know Juggling Real Food and Real Life sent you. I’m sure she would love to meet all of you Jugglers.
Hi Christina – I just sent you invitations to join 3 community Pinterest boards. They are boards that have multiple pinners and many followers. Two are health-related and one is general. I have gotten a lot of traffic from these boards. If you like them and want to be part of some additional ones let me know – somehow I have ended up on 6 or 8 of them!
Hi Gaye! The community Pinterest boards have driven a lot of traffic to my blog. Thanks for thinking of me. I would be interested in more.