Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned complimentary from Influenster in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
This blog has been existence for just over a year and during this time it has seen great growth. I’ve gone from most everyone who reads the blog knowing me in my real life to just a small percentage of you actually knowing me. I thought it would be fun to take a bit of a departure from the usual recipes and food talk to have a chat about the “woman behind the blog.”
You have probably figured out that I am a busy mom of 4. My oldest has gone off to college so my house has shrunk to 3 children on a regular basis. I would have thought that my life would be less busy now, but it seems to only get busier and busier. My dear friend and cousin-in-law says what sets my blog apart from other blogs is that I am truly living the juggling lifestyle. I don’t have all day to cook and yet I still feel like I can get real food to the table the majority of the time.
I am not a professional chef, photographer, or writer. I am an insurance agent. I put my kids on the bus at 8:27 in the morning, chat with my bus-stop friend, and then head out to work. I work 9AM to 5PM. I am the only employee in the office so I work non-stop. I eat lunch each day at my desk so that I can take care of all my customers who need me by 5:00 each day. I then race out to pick up my younger two kids from after-school care (at the school) and then run off to their activities.
Since I dress up for work, you can usually find me at cheer practice, Girl Scout meetings, and baseball games in my dress clothes and high heels. I am likely known as the most overdressed mom at these activities. I don’t want to miss anything so I don’t stop to change clothes. I also do the laundry in the house and who wants more laundry to wash? Certainly, not me! My kids create enough laundry to keep me busy. Thank you very much!
When I received Dr. Scholl’s® For Her Comfort Insoles to try out, you know I was super
excited. Anything to make my juggling more comfortable sure would be appreciated. I ripped open the package and stuck them in my shoes. Dr. Scholl’s® For Her Comfort Insoles went into my shoes nice and easy. There was no cutting or sizing. Right away I could tell the difference. The shoes I put them in don’t have a lot of padding and they are not the most comfortable shoes I own. I went to work and then took my daughter to dance class. While she was at dance class, I ran to the store. The gel-like cushioning felt so nice. My legs and feet were not tired at all. They seemed to warm up my feet as well which is probably not good in the summer, but was just fine with me since the weather has turned cooler here in Ohio.
It is quite common for me to cook in my high heels. Sometimes I have a bit of time between school and activities and prepare a quick meal. I am sure grateful to have my Dr. Scholl’s® For Her Comfort Insoles. I plan to put them in all of my shoes. They are my new secret weapon to help me Juggle Real Food and Real Life. I may still be overdressed at the baseball fields, but don’t worry about me. I’m nice and comfortable with Dr. Scholl’s® For Her Comfort Insoles in my shoes.
That’s just a little bit about me. I do love my high heels! So now when you are making my recipes think of me running around with my kids while wearing my high heels. My real food recipes are easy to make……….no matter what you are wearing. On a side note……..my daughter who is 8 loves to try on my new shoes and walk around the house in them. She is so darn cute! She prefers the shoes with the Dr. Scholl’s® For Her Comfort Insoles too.
Now tell me about you………..Do you cook in heels too? I can’t be the only one. Tell me your stories. Have you ever tried Dr. Scholl’s® For Her Comfort Insoles? Do you find that they help you to keep up with your busy schedule in comfort?
I can’t wait to hear from you. Leave me a comment here and I invite you to join the fun on our various social media. Just join us by using the various buttons at the top of the page. Lots more recipes, tips and fun to be had by all! If you are new to the blog……..I invite you to check out our Weekly Challenges. This is a great systematic way to to eat more of a Real Food diet and eliminate processed food. This is the approach my family took to overhauling our diet. Remember……small changes can create dramatic changes to your overall health. Good luck!
Well, I loved learning more about the "woman behind the blog," but I will tell you this – I do not cook in heels! I cannot wait to get them off when I get home! If I'm really running late or am on a tight schedule, you might find me cooking in my work clothes, but no heels. I might be barefoot or I might have slipped on some flip flops (both of which look stunning with professional attire!), but the heels have got to go as soon as I walk in the door. (Can you tell that I really hate them?) I might have to give those insoles a try.
You crack me up Gaye! My schedule is tight. There is no time for taking off shoes. LOL! My husband teases me each night when I finally take off my shoes about how short I am. I'm not that short ( 5" 4") but most of the day I look about 4 to 5 inches taller than I really am. My older boys are both taller than me. I'm trying to stay ahead of my little ones who are catching up fast. I don't buy expensive shoes with lots of padding so I was quite impressed with the insoles.
I know the feeling – I'm 5' 9" and am the shortest person in my house!
Shoot! I've got to wear heels to be as tall as you. Isn't it funny the first time you realize that you no longer look down to see your boys and instead you need to look up?
I have to concentrate a lot when I wear heels. And I also have to concentrate a lot when I cook. Therefore, not burning food or not falling down might be too much for this gal to handle!
LOL! Maybe I should concentrate a little more when I cook. Maybe I wouldn't make quite as much of a mess Jen. My husband sure would appreciate that since he usually cleans up after me. To be honest……I'm more clumsy in flat shoes anymore. What is wrong with me?
I cook in flip-flops – wear them in the house all the time – with all the boys and the messy floor – I cannot stand to go barefoot – unless it's just been mopped! LOL I love cooking – and it is challenging juggling it all. I try to do a soup pot for Mon and Tues – so I don't get overwhelmed at the beginning of the week!
Oh, don't get me wrong……..I do love my flip-flops, but they are mostly reserved for summer weekends. Juggling isn't easy and as a result there is often real food crumbs on my floor while cooking. I agree about going barefoot. Maybe that is why I do it. Hmmmmmmmm…could be. Soup sounds so good to me right now. I am making more soups as it gets colder. It is nice to help yourself out.
Hey Christina! It was great learning more about you! I agree, you'd think when kids leave it'll be easier…so not so! Lol! No, I don't cook in heels, but I DO eat in them sometimes…IKR! Lol! I've heard those Dr. Scholl's are thebomb.com. I must try them! Thanks so much for linking up…have a good one!
Michell thanks for hosting such a great link-up. You really do have a wonderful community there. The Dr. Scholl's are great. Maybe they should pay me to say so. LOL! Eating in heels, but not cooking? You are truly mysterious. LOL!
You are so motivating!!
Ashley you are so sweet! That is a huge compliment coming from you.