OK y’all…………..I’m writing this while watching the Super Bowl so if this doesn’t make as much sense as it should, you’ll know why. I hope your team won. What was your favorite commercial?
I’ve been having a great time since the first of the year with The Real Food Experience 2014. We have had good conversation in our Facebook group. We are making positive changes for ourselves and our families that will last for a lifetime. I’ve also really enjoyed reading blog posts from one of our participants. She has been writing about her challenges and successes as she has worked through the weekly goals. Why don’t you stop over and check out her Real Food Experience here.
I took a quick vote and we decided to continue on for a few more weeks with our Real Food Experience. If you missed any, you can join in with us this week and then go back and catch the other weeks.
This week’s goal: Drink Only Milk and Water.
OK………….don’t freak out on me coffee drinkers. I’ll let you drink your coffee and tea too. Just make sure you use real milk or cream and natural sweeteners with it.
This goal is created with the obesity epidemic that the United States and many other countries are experiencing in mind. If you think about how many calories you drink in a week, I bet you will be shocked. My kids are often offered juice, juice-like substances (sugar water), and flavored milks. As they are getting older, soda is being offered more and more. I have lots of friends who get up in the morning and pour themselves a soda. I used to drink soda in a coffee cup so my kids didn’t know I was drinking pop for breakfast. I knew it was wrong, but it didn’t stop me from doing it.
I am taking a nutrition class right now and we are talking a lot about the correlation between Western industrialized food and increases in obesity. One of the most obvious issues is all of the excess calories we drink when we are drinking pop and fruit juices. Fruit juice is fine in moderation, but most of us drink a lot more than a serving size.Think you are doing better giving your children chocolate milk? It actually has more sugar than pop. Calories, Calories, Calories!!
Check out this Youtube video which is a news story about Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution program. This episode Jamie shows a rather memorable demonstration on exactly how much sugar our children are drinking with flavored milk.
I really believe that healthy people come in all different shapes and sizes, but obesity is a growing problem. There is no denying it. We can’t just stick our head in a hole and pretend it isn’t happening. Food related illnesses affect individuals and families. Simply changing what you and your children drink may be all the change you need.
So tell me…………are you able to make this change? What are the obstacles that will prevent you from making this change? What do you drink on a regular basis?
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I've been struggling to get out of the soda habit (again!). I've gotten a bit carried away. This post is very timely 🙂
Easy enough to do Lydia! If you knew how bad I used to be…………you wouldn't even recognize me today. I used to drink at least 3 diet sodas a day. I gave it up and haven't looked back. It isn't easy to do. It was very much an addiction for me.
We have a juice rule in our house. Only one a day. After that its milk and water. She's so much calmer and sweeter without the sugar roller coaster.
Setting a limit is a good way to handle it. We are not good at moderation in my house so I don't buy juice any longer. We get our fruit intake with fresh fruit. I do make fresh juice for special occasions. I do also buy cranberry juice for my daughter for medicinal purposes. We just buy the plain cranberry.
I've honestly started to think the trend of us continuing to drink other mammal's milk apart from our own mother's breast milk after infancy and early childhood is just weird. No other mammal does this. If we do drink milk in my house, we stick to almond milk. We do still eat cheese though. I think it is also hard to get milk and other dairy products without all the crap in it. It's pretty expensive. For now I'm liking Silk's Almond milk because it is GMO free and it happens to have more calcium in it than cow's milk. We only drink water in my house. It's hard enough drinking as much as I'm supposed to drink in one day. Thanks for sharing this with us at Countdown in Style! Don't forget to stop by Friday to see if you are featured!
I normally drink my coffee with milk, and just started adding honey. Drinking mammal's milk goes back to BC. When (if) I or my children drink fruit juice, it's almost always watered down with 50% water. I can't even stand a regular cup of juice anymore. Thanks for sharing and linking up with Countdown in Style! Don't forget to come back on Friday to see if you were featured!