Food Revolution Day is almost here. We celebrate food on Friday, May 16th with folks from around the world. What is the reason for Food Revolution Day? According to Jamie Oliver, ” We need every child to understand where food comes from, how to cook it, and how it affects their body. This is about setting kids up with the knowledge they need to make better choices for life.” It is amazing how detached we have become to food. Most of us don’t even think about where food comes from on a regular basis and because of that most of us are making some pretty bad food decisions. When was the last time you read a food label? Do your kids know how to read labels? Have you ever wondered what all of those chemicals are doing to your body? Knowledge is power and that is what the Jamie Olvier Food Revolution Day is all about.
As a Jamie Oliver Food Revolution Ambassador, we are required to plan an event for Food Revolution Day. I decided to combine my love for food with my love for the Girl Scout program. We have 109 girls signed up to take a professional cooking lesson with Chef Lou Ann Colaric. They will be learning to make pasta from scratch. As of my last update, I was in a panic. I had zero donations and was wondering how I was going to fund this event. Since then, I have had several folks step up in support of real food and things are falling into place. I will do a wrap up of all of my donors after the event. Donations are still coming in and I don’t want to miss anyone.
What I am most excited about is the feedback that I am getting from the Girl Scout leaders. They tell me that their girls are beyond excited for this event. This level of excitement is exactly what the Jamie Oliver Food Revolution Day is all about. I am proud to be part of the process. My desire is that the girls have a great time and take the information they learn back home with them to share with their parents. We will also be offering summer learning opportunities for the girls to continue their culinary adventures.
If there is not a Food Revolution Day event going on in your neighborhood, there are still lots of ways you can get involved. Jamie is trying to set a World Record for the largest live cooking class ever. He is offering an online class that he will be teaching. I urge you to check out the website to see how you can join Jamie for the cooking lesson. Jamie’s goal is to get 1 million kids cooking on Food Revolution Day! There are lots of recipes and fun ideas on the website. You can do things as a family or share the resources with your school or workplace. Just jump on over to Food Revolution Day for lots of free resources and printables. We are also hanging out on social media. Share your favorite photos with the #FRD2014.
Help make this the biggest Food Revolution Day ever! You will be giving your children a gift to last a lifetime. Really, what is more fun than cooking with your parents? I can’t think of anything………….
Are you going to participate in Food Revolution Day? What is your favorite recipe to cook with your kids? What is your favorite fruit and/or vegetable? What gets you excited about cooking?
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Enjoy your day tomorrow! I'm glad things came together for you. My son has just started asking "where does watermelon come from" or "what does an olive grow on?" and I'm so glad he's showing an interest in food, where it comes from (yes, even chicken) and how we prepare it!
Thanks Nicole! You know how worried I was about it all. I so badly wanted this to be a fun and meaningful day for the girls. Your son is amazing. Asking questions like that is really a big deal and the more children know about food, the better equipped they will be to make healthy food decisions.
I absolutely love this idea! I can't tell you how important I think this is. Children will grow up making better decisions about what they put in their bodies and not fall prey to junk/sugar food addictions…I hope.
I couldn't agree with you more Carie! That is exactly why I volunteer my time for the Food Revolution. Perhaps, a future chef will be inspired by the Food Revolution as well.
Christina I'm so happy you were able to participate in this event and that the girls were excited by it as well. Thank you for stepping up and being a Food Revolution Day Ambassador.
Thank you so much for your kind words Lydia! We really had a great time. It was exhausting, but so much fun!