Hi there! When I started this blog, I wanted to show busy moms and dads that it is possible to eat real food even with a busy family schedule. My desire was and still is to lead by example. If I can eat real food and run my kids around everywhere………..then so can you. Together, we can lead the healthy life we need to have in order to keep up with these kids. We don’t have time to be sick in bed!
I want everyone to know that this is not just a persona for me. This blog really is all about me trying to juggle a full-time job and kids. Let me talk about my Saturday. Early morning trip to the farmer’s market…….Little guy has football practice at 9……..pick up baby girl from sleepover at her friend’s house…… Varsity Football scrimmage at 10 followed by pictures at 2…………baby girl has to cheer a scrimmage at 4………..High school football picnic set up at 5:30 followed by picnic and pool party. Collapse in bed. Whew! I would like to say this was an unusual Saturday for us, but it really isn’t all that out of the norm. How do I continue to Juggle the Real Food when the Real Life is so hectic? I am so not SuperWoman, but I do have one super power.
That super power is my friend Gaye. Somewhere during my first year of blogging and eating real food, I met Gaye, the woman behind the blog Calm.Healthy.Sexy. (Do you remember when or where we met Gaye?) I now consider her a close friend……..even though we live miles and miles from each other. Our friendship started with the great advice she writes for all of us at Calm.Healthy.Sexy. She is a sponsor here at Juggling Real Food and Real Life so that affords me the time to brag about her a little. Let me break down the 3 parts of her blog for you.
Calm: She writes all kinds of great advice about ways to control your schedule and keep calm in the face of the madness that is our busy daily lives. Here is a recent article she wrote: 3 Things to Consider Before School Begins .
Healthy: Gaye is a firm believer in eating healthy real food. She is always that gentle reminder (sometimes not so gentle) that I need to find time to exercise my body on a daily basis. Here is her article 10 Ways to Add Exercise to Your Busy Life. “Walk while your children are a sports practice.” That is one of my favorites. I swear sometimes she is following me around taking notes. I think you will feel the same……… In an isn’t that helpful and not an isn’t that creepy kind of way.
Sexy: OK this is a subject that I don’t really discuss, but I will say that my marriage is important to me. Gaye is a Christian woman and discusses in a “not embarrassing at all” manner wonderful relationship advice. I often start date night discussions with “Gaye wrote about this today………What do you think about that?” Her writing is a great way to open up the lines of communication that so often get closed with the demands of work and kids. This article really got us talking. Speak Your Husband’s Love Language – Simple Way to Strengthen Your Marriage.
I hope you will invest some time in yourself and check out Calm.Healthy.Sexy. Gaye really is my secret to Juggling Real Life. Tell me what activities your kids are busy with? Are you able to fit exercise into your busy schedule? Do you schedule regular date nights with your husband?
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Thank you so much, Christina! I love this and appreciate it so much! I even got tears in my eyes reading it – and I am NOT a teary person! And I am glad that I am not following you around in a creepy sort of way – lol!
I speak the truth. You have been a wonderful friend to my family. No tears……..I was trying to show my appreciation…………..in a not so creepy sort of way.
What a wonderful post to write. It's always great when you find a wonderful blog and wonderful friend at the same time. Gotta love the blogging world…Sharing this on my facebook page for sure…
Thanks Sharon! One of the biggest surprises about blogging for me was finding out that I could have real friendships in the online world. Gaye's blog has really helped me through some crazy times. I don't know what I would do without her. One of the things I like to do when folks buy sponsorships is to write a highlight post. This was a great opportunity to brag about Gaye and her blog.
There is so much to juggle in our lives…….. it is nice to have fun things also. 🙂
I couldn't agree more!