Here are 10 tips that we use to stay within our budget.
1. Make a list. This is a big one for me. Without the list, I will buy all kinds of things that look delicious and I don’t really need. This goes hand-in-hand with sticking to my meal plan. It makes no sense to buy a bunch of fresh produce that I don’t have a plan for. Waste is a real budget breaker.
2. Keep an accurate inventory. I was laughing about this with my neighbor while we were at the school bus stop the other day. There really is no point in buying more peanut butter when you have three jars in the cabinet already. Buying staples is expensive. Don’t do it over and over.
3. Use your crock and buy cheaper cuts of meat.
Cooking meat in a crock all day really tenderizes it. There is no need to buy expensive cuts of beef when you are cooking it all day. Your cheaper cuts of meat will be fall-apart tender when cooked in your favorite crock pot recipe. This is the crock that I use. It is available at Amazon through my affiliate here.
4. Don’t buy pre-cut veggies. I find this really tempting and will buy pre-cut veggies in a pinch to save time, but on a regular basis it is a waste of money. I find that the pre-cut seem a bit older than when I buy my vegetables and cut them myself. Sure, it takes more time, but it sure does save money and the quality is usually better.
5. Grate your own cheese. I like to grate cheese myself for a variety of reasons. In addition to saving money, I can choose from a greater variety of cheeses when I grate it myself. I also avoid that powdery white stuff they put into grated cheese to avoid it sticking together. I just don’t like that stuff! To make things easier, buy a big block of cheese and grate it in your food processor. Store in an air-tight container or bag.
6. Buy fruit and veggies in season. Fruits and vegetables are usually less expensive in season. If you follow your local growing schedule you will save a good bit of money.
7. Grow a garden. Here in the US, it is pretty cold. Most of us are not able to grow a garden right now. However, some items can be grown indoors. I can sure save a ton of money just by growing basil indoors. Check out this post from Karen over at To Work With My Hands on how to grow basil indoors. The more we can preserve from the fall harvest, the less we will pay throughout the year. It sure is nice to grab a jar of tomato juice from the shelf instead of running to the store.
8. Buy in bulk. Not every store offers bulk foods, but if you can find a store that does, you will usually save money. I like to buy raisins, oats, nuts, flour, and a variety of other items in bulk.
9. Make your own goodies. Packaged foods are expensive. If you can make your own cookies and snack foods, you will save quite a bit on your grocery budget.
10. Pack snacks for on the go. Again……….packaged foods are expensive. I like to make my own trail mix and package it for a quick grab and go snack. We also pack raisins, cut veggies, cheese, and all sorts of other snacks. The kids love that they have choices and that they can grab a snack whenever they are hungry. I like that I save money.
Real Food can be expensive, but these are a few tips to help you stick to your budget and still be able to provide healthy foods for your family. It is possible! Even…….with a busy schedule.
What tips would you share on saving money at the grocery store? Do you meal plan? Are you a coupon shopper?
I promise to keep bringing you the best and most accurate information on nutrition I can find……….and hopefully with a little bit of humor along the way as well. You can find lots of great information on this blog (check out the tabs above and the archives). Make sure to subscribe by email so you don’t miss anything. You can also find lots of great tips, tricks, advice, and fun on my Facebook page and my other social media. Please join us and share us with your friends!
These are great money saving tips! I like your tip about knowing your inventory. I’m bad about buying too many staples if they’re on sale or picking up another just in-case.
I think we are all suckers for a good sale!
These are such great tips! My biggest tip is to not shop with men 😛 Whenever I shop with Alan we spend a gazillion times more because he wants ALL THE THINGS haha!
Thanks Valencia! Your tip is hilarious.
Money saving on food and grocery is a great topic and you mentioned awesome and good ideas.
Make a Grocery List
This is almost a given but making a list if the easiest way to see what you need and estimate how much it should cost.
Thanks and keep sharing
Many times the store brand items are exactly the same as the branded item. Made and packed on the same production lines. Just labeled differently.