I’ve been helping the Easter bunny to prepare reduced candy Easter baskets for years now and I’ve found some things that the kids really like. This year, I thought I would reach out to my Facebook community and ask for some new ideas. You see……there is a real person on the other side of those questions. And you guys are great! You came up with some fantastic ideas that I will use this year. Since they were such great ideas, I thought I would share them here for everyone to see. The following list is a combination of my tried and trued ideas and ideas from some of the nicest folks I know on Facebook.
But first a few more tips…………
I usually include a few pieces of candy in my kids’ Easter baskets. However, I have reduced the sizes of everything and look for healthier alternatives. I certainly don’t go crazy and stuff their baskets with lots of artificial colors. Good quality chocolate is the route I like to go. I then combine it with several non-candy goodies and they love it!
We really enjoy our Easter morning together gathered around our Easter baskets. I snap some pictures while the kids looks for the hidden eggs and then we eat our hard-boiled (Yep, that’s real food) Easter eggs. Then, it’s off to church to enjoy the real meaning of the holiday.
Get rid of your mommy guilt! I promise you that your kids will love their non-candy or reduced-candy Easter basket just as much (and maybe more) than that huge candy basket that television tells us we should be giving our kids.
Non-Candy Easter Gifts
1. Stickers
2. “Clutter free” gifts like tickets for movies, sporting events, season passes to a museum or zoo.
3. Outside toys like a sand bucket and shovel, ball, and bubbles
4. Sidewalk chalk
5. Coloring books
6. Art supplies like crayons, markers, paint, and paper.
7. Stuffed animals
8. Books
9. T-Shirts, Hats, Sunglasses, Flip Flops
10. Small gardening supplies like clay pots, seeds, gardening gloves, and a small watering can
Let’s keep building the list. What are your favorite non-candy Easter basket gifts? Have you noticed a change in what the kids want over the years? Tell me about some of your favorite Easter traditions.
If you are looking for help in making the transition to eating more real food, you should check out the Real Food Experience posts. You can get get started at the beginning or jump around the challenges. You can find a complete round-up of the program here. Each week’s challenge is full of terrific advice to help you transition from fast and processed food to a real food diet. Changes that will help you to live a healthy lifestyle and have the energy to keep up with your busy schedule. I would also love for you to join me on social media. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram on a regular basis. Leave me a comment and let me know you are there. I love to visit with my readers. Yes, I’m a real person.
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Our poor kids!! We’ve never done Easter baskets. They are now grown and seem to have survived!! We always did buy some candy and pretty much shared it with the whole family. I would think that very similar stuff that goes into a Christmas stocking would work in an Easter Basket.