Like most of you busy moms out there, my mind is always working and trying to figure things out. How can I get little man to his practice? Did I remember to bring a water bottle for little girl for her practice? What are we going to have for dinner tomorrow? Oh man…….did we remember to return the homework to the backpack? This evening, I was sitting at my son’s football practice and my daughter’s cheer practice and I was thinking about Juggling Real Food and Real Life. So much of what we do is because we have the “habit” of doing that thing. If we have bad habits we will likely be eating unhealthy foods, living in an unorganized house, and not feeling very fulfilled. Now………..what if we have healthy habits? Can you imagine the life we could be living?
I’ve decided to focus each week on good habits that lead to that life we all really want. Some of these may seem like common sense and that’s OK. What we are looking at trying to do is combining some of these good habits we already have with some new ones. I think we will be surprised at how adding one or two new good habits into our routines will have a big impact on our lives. I recently decided that I wanted to work on decluttering my bedroom. That’s a good habit to get into. I then decided that I wanted to make sure that the room is organized. I’m trying to have a “everything in its place” mentality. This is another good habit. I then noticed that when everything is in its place that it is so much easier to do my regular dusting and cleaning. These good habits are all combining to get me to the life that I really want to be living.
Join me as we work on new “Good Habits” each week (both in the kitchen and out) that will really help us to feel happy and satisfied as we are Juggling Real Food and Real Life. It is often said that it takes about 21 days to form a new habit. I even read somewhere that it takes 66 days to form new habits. Obviously, that means these new habits aren’t going to happen overnight. I get that. However, what I do know from experience is that if you write things down as goals or even just put your desires in the back of you mind that your brain will get to work on it and make it happen. Years ago, my husband was my boss (at work) and he asked our team of salespeople to write down our goals. I had been asked to write down sales goals plenty of times, but this exercise was different. We were asked to write down both professional and personal goals. A little over a year later, I ran across what I had written down that day and I almost fell out of my chair. I had actually achieved almost everything that I had written down that day. It was almost like I wasn’t even trying to achieve these goals. My brain was working on the goals while I was busy doing everything else. The big one?? I had written that I wanted my family to eat more healthy real food and less processed food. Not only had I made the change in eating for my family, but I had recently started this blog. Wow! The power of a written goal that started simply with creating new “Good Habits”.
I hope you are as excited as I am to get this series going. I always love to share with you when I find something that works in my house……… in the hope that it inspires you in some way. I’m sending out lots of virtual hugs and high fives. I can’t wait to see what we can achieve together.
I love your focus on establishing good habits and decluttering. Writing my “pruning” post made me realize that I probably need to change some old habits and establish some new ones. And I really do have some areas that need to be decluttered. The master bedroom is a big one, but I think I’m going to start this weekend with food storage areas. Both of our freezers, the refrigerator, and the pantry are a mess. It’s almost impossible for me to know what I have on hand, and it’s stressful trying to find the things I need. So I think I’m going to start on Saturday morning with the big freezer in the garage (which is the most cluttered!) and work my way through those areas.

Gaye @CalmHealthySexy recently posted…How “Pruning” Can Help You Live a Healthier, Happier Life – Healthy Living Tip of the Week
Your “Pruning” post is so good. You put into words so many things that I’ve been thinking lately. My life is busy with work, kids, blog, volunteering and I don’t have much time to keep my house organized. However, I’m noticing as I am decluttering and putting organization systems in place, it is helping me to function so much better and with less time. I’m not done, but where I have decluttered and organized is so much easier to keep clean now. It’s freeing up time for what matters most to me. I know I’m slow to figure it out, but it’s been a real “lightbulb” moment for me. Good luck with the freezer. Let me know how it goes.
I was able to organize both freezers and the refrigerator last Saturday. The goal for tomorrow is to clean and organize the pantry. Then the task will be to keep all 4 areas organized, which really doesn’t take much time if you do it every week. Love the “Good Habits” series.

Gaye @CalmHealthySexy recently posted…Welcome to the Let’s Get Real Party #106
I’m so happy that you are enjoying the “Good Habits” series. I know that I’m really enjoying keeping up the areas that I’ve decluttered. Congratulations on your progress. I know how good it feels to finish projects and enjoy the fruits of our labor.