Are you tired of all of the complicated health advice out there? Eat this. Don’t eat that. Miracle health supplements are everywhere and fad diets get old real quick. It’s hard to know what to believe. The more you research food, the more confusing everything seems to get. There is one thing that all health experts can agree on and that is drinking lots of water each day. Ok……this is where you groan because you are currently sipping on your diet soda. How do I know? I’m know different than you. However, I have given up my diet soda addiction and am now enjoying the health benefits of water. It is not always easy, but it is possible.
Today, I am sharing some of the health benefits of drinking water in an attempt to convince you. I know I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to. My mom sure knows that is true of me (wink to mom). Start slow if you have to. I challenge you to switch out one of your daily beverages for a glass of water. That’s it. Just one. Increase your water consumption until you now longer are drinking sodas and sugary beverages. Keep reading if you want to find out what health benefits you get as a result of drinking more water. I promise. They are quite impressive.
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Health Benefits of Drinking Water
1. Look Younger: This is a big one for me right now. I’m 46 years old and married to a man 6 years younger than me. I don’t want to look like his older wife. I have really noticed that I start to look older when my skin is dried out. Drinking lots of water helps to keep my skin looking plumper and less old, especially my hands and lips.
2. Reduces Headaches: I used to get headaches every day. I’m not kidding every day. Since changing my diet and drinking more water, the headaches have really been reduced. If I feel one coming on………I start drinking more water and that usually takes care of it. Many headaches are caused by dehydration.
3. Less Cobwebs at Work: Do you know what I mean by cobwebs? I’m referring to that foggy feeling you get first thing in the morning. I used to think that meant I needed more coffee. Come to find out the cobwebs go away when I’m not dehydrated. Drinking water helps me to focus more at work.
4. Helps with Fatigue: This is another big advantage for all of us super busy moms. Water helps the body to wash out toxins which then helps our bodies to work more efficiently. If our body doesn’t have to work as hard to do the basic stuff (like pumping our heart) than there is more energy for exciting stuff like laundry, cooking, dancing with the kids in the living room…..
5. Helps in Weight Loss: Drinking water redudes hunger and flushes away the by-products of fat breakdown. The best part………water has zero calories! You can drink as much as you want all day……….everyday! I dare you to come up with another drink that can say that.
6. Less Cramping and Sprains: When trying to lose weight, we often exercise. Proper hydration keeps our muscles and joints lubricated. When you are properly hydrated you will be less likely to cramp up and get sprains. Just watch a football game on a hot day and you will know how important hydration is. I’ve seen lots of boys come off the field with cramping because they weren’t drinking enough water.
7. Helps with Constipation and Digestion: Yep, I said it! It is not exciting to talk about so let’s help our digestion system along and avoid constipation. Water increases your metabolism and that helps things to keep moving along. You should be having a bowel movement once a day. If you are not………that is a sign of trouble. Increase your water and fiber consumption.
8. Less Likely to Get Sick: Drinking lots of water helps your body fight flu and other illness. Kidney stones are less likely when you are properly hydrated. I often drink water with lemon which helps to strengthen my immune system so I can fight off all those bugs the kid like to bring home from school.
9. Reduce the Risk of Cancer: I always advise you to do your own research and make an informed decision for your family, but here is what I know…………..some studies show that drinking lots of water may reduce the risk of bladder and colon cancer. The studies seem to be showing that water reduces the concentration of cancer-causing material in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with the body.
There you go…………Can your soda do all that? We are only given one body. We need to make sure we are taking care of our bodies and water is obviously a big part of this process.
Are you and your family drinking enough water? Have you ever had a problem due to dehydration? Have I convinced you to drink more water yet? Start the habit of carrying around a refillable water bottle. You will never be without water then. Make sure you have one for the kiddos too.
My affiliate partner MightyNest has a special offer for all of the Juggling Real Food and Real Life readers to help you with your efforts. This special offer is perfect for you if you want a fun new eco-friendly water bottle for your new water-drinking goals. Try the MightyFix for only $5 and get an exclusive Lifefactory Water bottle as your first month with promo code BOTTLEFIX2016.
These are great tips, Christina. I actually do better with drinking water on week days than I do on weekends, because my husband fills up a big water bottle for each of us to take to work every morning. But now it’s Saturday and I realize that the only thing I’ve had to drink is coffee! Off to get a big glass of water.
Gaye @CalmHealthySexy recently posted…Welcome to the Let’s Get Real Party #142
I also drink k lots of water at work. I keep a pitcher of water at my desk at work. I no longer drink juice at lunch because I am so well hydrated through the day. Hurray for reducing empty calories.
As you said, water really helps for kidney stones. My husband has had dozens in past 25 years, and surgery for them twices. About 5 years ago, as a result of a particularly brutal stone, he finally took his urologist’s advice to drink lots of water each day. He has not had a stone since the.
Northern Girl recently posted…Leeks Sambar
Wow, so many reasons! I had no idea water can help in so many ways. Thank you for reminding me to drink more water.
I struggle with drinking more water in the winter since I only like it ice cold (warm tastes like paper). I only drink water, tea, and almond milk now.
I totally understand the winter struggle with water. I just am not as thirsty in the winter. During the summer, it is so much easier to drink plenty of water.