Many of us are in the middle of football, cheer and soccer seasons. At the beginning of every new sports season, inevitably out comes the parent snack sign-up sheet. You have to know that I love food……..for Pete’s sake, I write about food all of the time. However, these snack lists always rub me the wrong way.
Let me explain a little bit about why these snacks drive me nuts. I am very careful about what, when, and how much I feed my children. It just seems funny to me that no matter what time the game is, we need to have a snack. 10AM, 2PM, 5PM……’s all the same………..we need to have a snack. I feed my kids breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks on a regular basis. I always make sure they show up to their games nourished and ready to go.
I am so excited to share this post with my daughter. As a den mother and a soccer mom she is always caving to the demands of other parents for sweet drink boxes and chips. She has always wanted to offer better snacks. I am hoping this will give her the courage to go ahead and offer bananas and cheese!
That's a great lesson for everyone! When I was a Girl Scout leader, I was surprised at how willing the girls were to eat nutritious food if we didn't lecture them too much. Here's how we managed snacks. Bananas and cheese would have been well received!