Someone very close to me recently suggested that my writing might need more back-up sources to support it. Perhaps, if I cited doctors or researchers my personal research might be more credible. I don’t disagree. However, the research that I have done has been quite extensive. I go to the source. If I want to know more about whole grains, I go to the Whole Grain Council and if I want to know about honey, I go to honey producers. I spent the summer talking to farmers and local organic experts. The whole reason, I turned to food to fix my health problems is because medicine couldn’t or wasn’t able to do anything for me. After two surgeries to try to fix my digestive health issues, I told my surgeon about my problems and he asked if the over-the-counter medicines (like the pink stuff) helped with my symptoms. Since they did help to some degree, that was good enough for him. He wasn’t concerned about a cure. My primary doctor told me to give it some time and that I may just have to adjust to the new way my body reacted to food. None of the doctors I consulted, suggested that I change my diet or even asked what I was eating. I felt that they really weren’t interested in my problems unless there was a medicine to fix it.
[bctt tweet=”Food is my medicine. A story of sickness to health with a simple change in diet.” username=”jugglngrealfood”]
I’ve talked about this before, but I’ll say it again here. The processed food I was eating was making me SICK. I was forced to cancel plans, change plans and back out at the last minute on plans for close to a year. I developed anxiety over what would happen if I developed symptoms while out in public. I almost missed my son’s fifth birthday party because I got sick that morning. The anxiety only made things worse. This is not how I wanted to live my life. I had to find an answer……….I just had to.
I’m not saying to ignore what your doctor tells you. Please DO NOT stop taking any medications or ignore medical advice. However, if you suffer from unexplained digestive issues, headaches, asthma or other allergy symptoms, then food may be the answer. The American diet is filled with all kinds of chemicals like MSG, artificial colors, artificial flavors (just what is in an artificial flavor anyway?) and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). These are the things that were making me sick. I do not know which one is the guilty culprit. What I do know is that when I took these items out of my body, my body began to heal. It didn’t happen overnight, but slowly I am turning back into the girl I used to be.
I no longer have flu-like symptoms several times every month. I have less headaches. I have lost close to 30 pounds while eating more and not adding gym visits to my routine. And 6 months later…………my anxiety over all of my digestive issues is fading. It really is amazing to me. I wouldn’t believe it if it wasn’t actually happening to me.
I guess what I am trying to say is although I don’t have any medical credentials, I feel that I am my own proof that a Real Food diet doesn’t just taste better than processed and fast food, it actually is good for you. It’s that simple. Food with lots of vitamins and minerals and without chemicals and GMOs is really good for the body. A Real Food diet keeps my body running much better than my old way of eating and I need that to keep Juggling my family’s busy schedule.
Do you notice any difference in how you feel when you eat processed food? Let me know. I would love to hear your stories. I encourage you to leave a comment below. You can also join the conversation on Facebook , follow my boards on Pinterest and join the Real Food movement by following us on Twitter @jugglngrealfood.
Yes. I think that when people have unexplained ailments that their doctors can't diagnose or fix, they have to start looking for answers on their own. Our younger son had some weird digestive symptoms a few years ago. We took him to the doctor, of course, but never got a definitive diagnosis. Through our own research and trial and error we learned that if he stays away from lactose and takes probiotics, the symptoms disappear. I am finding right right now that some mild GI symptoms I've been having disappear when I avoid wheat. Modern medicine is great, but it doesn't have all the answers. Sometimes we have to find the answers ourselves.
This is important and needs to be more widely shared. We are dealing with marketing of processed and unhealthy food and lifestyles at the same time as this information is coming out. Thank you.