I’ve been getting lots of wonderful feedback from my friends and family about what we are doing here at Juggling Real Food and Real Life. I’ve heard from some of you that you’ve already made changes to the way you eat and you are seeing the wonderful health benefits. Some of my other friends need convincing and still others desire to make healthy food choices, but just are not sure where to start. Plenty of you are worried about what eating healthy will do to your budget and your time. The whole reason for this blog is to motivate people to make long-term change, so I am adding another element to this site.
I am kicking off the 2013 Juggling Real Food and Real Life Weekly Challenge this month. I encourage you to sign up by leaving a comment letting me know you are ready for the challenge at the bottom of this page. The challenges will be a step by step guide to cutting out fast and processed food from your life and replacing it with delicious food that makes you feel good.
I promise to only include challenges that I have tried out on my family first. There won’t be any nonsense like go to the nearest ocean and harvest your own seaweed for dinner. This may happen some places, but it won’t happen here. I may ask you to step out of your comfort zone, but isn’t that what change is all about?
I also believe that small changes in what you eat can have huge benefits to your health. So, here is my promise to you. I will never preach or judge. Do the best you can and I will be here with you every step of the way. Anyone who knows me should realize that I’m more about having fun than preaching anyway, so let’s have some fun!
You don’t need to formally opt-in to participate, but if you do there will be prizes along the way. I love giving stuff away………..keeps that Christmas feeling going for me long into the New Year.
I hope you are ready for the challenge! Until next time…………..Keep Juggling! Don’t forget you can find us on Facebook and Twitter @jugglngrealfood for extra support and encouragement along the way.
I've been getting some feedback that the comments are not working. This is a test.