Food Revolution Day is Coming!
I am thrilled to be part of the global food community that is the Global Volunteer Ambassador Program. I have been digging in and learning as much as I can about food around the world. It is amazing to find out how much we have in common with folks around the world. Sure, there are a lot of differences, but we are more alike than different. One thing that we hear over and over and around the world is that we need to keep cooking skills alive as a way to combat diet related diseases.
Time for me to put my love for this movement into action. Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution TV program quite literally changed my life. I decided that first episode with tears in my eyes that I needed to change the way my family was eating. By the last episode, I had decided that I also needed to join the revolution and help as many families as I could. This blog was born out of that desire.
So what is Food Revolution Day?
According to the Food Revolution website, “Food Revolution Day is a global day of action for people to make a stand for good food and essential cooking skills. It’s a chance for people to come together within their homes, schools, workplaces and communities to cook and share their kitchen skills, food knowledge and resources. Food Revolution Day aims to raise awareness about the importance of good food and better food education for everyone by focusing on three simple actions – cook it, share it, live it.”
Why Have a Day of Action?
“Cooking skills used to be passed down from generation to generation, but now millions of people lack even the most basic cooking skills. We need to get back to basics: to cook and eat fresh local produce; to share cooking skills and food knowledge; to join forces within communities and get as many people involved as possible. Food Revolution Day is our opportunity to get the world to focus on the importance of good food and essential cooking skills, by rallying our efforts to empower people with better cooking skills and to inspire them to cook fresh food from scratch.”
So, this is where I start. I am planning my first ever Food Revolution Day. Food Revolution Day is not till May, but I have so much to plan. I am starting with my committee and then we get to work putting all of the details together. It really feels good to be part of such a wonderful organization. Consider joining this worldwide movement by attending an event in your community.
Have you ever participated in a Food Revolution Day event? Did you watch Jamie’s Food Revolution TV show? What is one cooking skill that you think all children should be taught?
I can’t wait to hear from you. Leave me a comment here and I invite you to join the fun on our various social media. Just join us by using the various buttons at the top of the page. Lots more recipes, tips and fun to be had by all! If you are new to the blog……..I invite you to check out our Weekly Challenges. This is a great systematic way to to eat more of a Real Food diet and eliminate processed food. This is the approach my family took to overhauling our diet. Remember……small changes can create dramatic changes to your overall health. Good luck!
I loved that show! I wish they would do more episodes. I need to check out your weekly challenges because I really want to change the way my whole family eats. It's my #1 resolution for the New Year.
Hi Cindy! I was disappointed when the show went off the air too. Jamie is continuing the work of the Food Revolution though. I am proud to support his efforts. Please do check out the weekly challenges. This is the systematic way I was able to completely change my family's diet. If I would have walked in and declared everythig they knew was gone, our new lifestyle would not have stuck for long. It's a great way to show them that they will still enjoy food and not go to bed hungry. I was thrilled when they finally embraced the change. Good luck! Keep me posted.
How good that you are helping the girls learn about healthy food…but please be sure that Girl Scout cookies are not included in what you serve! They are filled with low quality ingredients, including additives made from petroleum and found to trigger many behavior, learning and health problems.
Hi Jane. Thanks for stopping by. We are teaching the girls about making healthy food decisions. I'm very excited for our event and the girls are too. We are simply serving the pasta that the girls make. We are not having any sort of dessert or treat that day.