We just finished up with Thanksgiving here in the US and now we are on to the winter holidays. There is food, food, everywhere. Have you thought about how long you can leave food on the table during a party? Do you want your friends and family to get sick because of something you cooked? Oh heck, no! That would be horrible.
I host Christmas Eve at my house each year. My extended family comes together at church where we can celebrate the real meaning of Christmas. After all of the hustle to prepare for the holidays, this is where I feel like I can finally exhale. We end the service with “Joy to the World” and then it’s off to my house to get all the food out. On a side note……….my sister and I used to sing………”Joy to the World…….It’s time to open presents.” Good thing we have matured since then. Quit laughing Mom!
There is no doubt about it. My family likes to celebrate with food. We fill our table with lots of wonderful dishes. My aunt makes my husband’s favorite cookie. My mother makes stuffed mushrooms. My in laws bring amazing dishes. Yes! There is a lot of food. We celebrate till the kids can’t possible stay awake any longer and it’s off to dreamland. After all, how can Santa come if they are still up?
I’ve collected a few tips that I think will be helpful for all of you hosting holiday parties this year.
Wash up. Duh, we all know to wash our hands before preparing food, right? Sure, we do. Just don’t forget. It’s important to wash before during and after food preparation. Also remember to use two cutting boards. One for meat, poultry, and fish and another for fruits, vegetables, and cheeses. Use separate utensils to stir and to serve.
Follow the two hour rule. After two hours, bacteria begins to multiply on perishable items. Make sure to keep cold items cold using ice. Another great idea is to keep some food in the refrigerator and bring it out at the two hour mark. At the end of the party, as hard as it may be, you may have to throw away food if you don’t pay attention to the two hour rule.
OK…….you’ve followed the two hour rule and you have leftovers. What do you do with them?
Refrigerate right away. I always thought a hot dish had to cool before going into the refrigerator, but that is not true at all. It should go into the refrigerator right away. Leftovers should be stored in airtight containers. Never left open in a dish in the refrigerator.
Three Day Rule. Most (so let’s say all) leftovers should be used up within three days. If in doubt, throw it out!
I hope this advice helps you to get through your holiday celebrations without giving your family………or yourself food poisoning. That is not a gift anyone wants!
Do you have any additional food prep or food storage tips for me? Share them with us here so we can all have a happy and healthy holiday season.
I can’t wait to hear from you. Leave me a comment here and I invite you to join the fun on our various social media. Just join us by using the various buttons at the top of the page. Lots more recipes, tips and fun to be had by all! If you are new to the blog……..I invite you to check out our Weekly Challenges. This is a great systematic way to to eat more of a Real Food diet and eliminate processed food. This is the approach my family took to overhauling our diet. Remember……small changes can create dramatic changes to your overall health. Good luck!
Thanks for the reminder, especially this time of year 🙂
My pleasure Lydia! So nice to see you back. I often get so busy with the party that I forget basic food safety. Not a good thing! These tips will help us get through the holidays in a healthy way.
Great tips to remember, especially the cutting board one which is an easy one to forget! Stopping over from Let's Get Real Blog Hop! Thanks for sharing!
You are so right about the cutting board. I always catch myself before it's too late, but that doesn't mean that I don't "almost" make the mistake all the time. My kids looked at me like I was crazy when I explained the rule to them.
Great reminders! I always keep leftovers longer than I should…just to toss them out anyway! I try to plan better so I use leftovers in a new meal, now.
Hi Nicole! I do the same thing. I try to plan uses for my leftovers ahead of time, but sometimes life intervenes and I don't get to my leftovers. Better safe than sorry so we need to throw them out after about 3 days.