I am really excited to share with you some terrific news today! January is such an exciting time. Everything seems possible, doesn’t it?
As a reminder, I kicked off my Real Food Challenges in January 2013 with great success. Many of you committed to making healthier food choices for yourself and your family in 2013. I applaud you! I have received lots of great feedback about how the systematic change in eating was a great way to approach a diet overhaul. You have kept me motivated to keep up with our real food lifestyle. You have also been an excellent accountability partner for my family’s food choices.
I would like to kick off 2014 with a similar, but new and improved approach. A complete diet overhaul is not easy, especially if you are eating mostly fast and processed food. I would like to help make it easier with lots of tips and advice. I’ve done the research and made the change to a real food lifestyle. Why reinvent the wheel? I bet even those of you who think you eat pretty healthy will benefit from cleaning up your diet even more. I have been surprised where I have found hidden artificial ingredients and sweeteners. I don’t mind sugar if I’m eating a cake, but darn it……….I don’t need sugar in my kidney beans. The good news is with my help, you won’t need to start from scratch. I can provide the advice and encouragement you need to be truly successful in changing to a real food lifestyle.
Benefits of eating real food:
Weight loss
Better Skin
More energy
Less diet related illness
Stronger immune system
And so much more………………….
OK…….sounds good, so what is “The Real Food Experience 2014”?
I’ll start with what it is not. There is not anything special you need to buy. I’m not selling you a darn thing. I am simply interested in helping you to make a real food lifestyle change for you and your family. And…………hoping you pay it forward to another family.
We will start with 4 weeks of posts focused on 4 real food changes you can make.
Week 1: More Fruits and Vegetables
Week 2: Eat Whole Grains
Week 3: No Artificial Colors
Week 4: Natural Sweeteners
I am also putting together a special Facebook group for Juggling Real Food and Real Life’s Real Food Experience 2014 where you will have more personalized access to me. This will be a great place to ask questions. I know some of you are uncomfortable asking questions on social media and even on the blog, so I thought I would create a smaller and more intimate forum for us to have these conversations. No question is stupid and we will all be able to learn from and encourage each other.
This all starts January 6th and I am really excited to have you join me for The Real Food Experience 2014. If you would like to join me and my real food friends, please leave me a comment here on the blog. If you would like to join The Real Food Experience 2014 Facebook group, please let me know your Facebook email address. You can either leave it here on the blog or email me at jugglingrealfoodandreallife@gmail.com.
Meat isn't even a good source of protein. In a steak or a hamburger, about 80% of the calories actually come from fat. You could eat a burrito made of Kidney Beans and a full 30% of the calories would come from protein.
I absolutely love that you are doing this! What a great way to spread the word as well as create a support system for those who want to make the REAL food lifestyle change. I also like how you are breaking it up into 4 manageable steps. It's so easy for people to get overwhelmed by it all! Keep up the great work!
Hi Lauren! Thank you for your kind words. My virtual support system has really been a help to me. I want to create that for others. I don't want to overwhelm anyone. Breaking it down makes things nice and easy.
This is great! How about a bonus week about cooking fats??
This looks great! Count me in!
Awesome Gaye! This group will certainly benefit with your presence.
Hello I am your newest follower on your blog would love for you to follow me back. Thanks 🙂 Feel free to Like or Follow me on my other media sites!!!
I didn't join the challenge (I just met you a few months ago 😉 ) but I have been preparing a lot more foods this year and started to get away from prepackaged boxes/canned stuff. There are a few things we eat once in a while like some soups and an Amy's meal (which is low processed and organic.) I feel good knowing I am feeding my family better. It sure is hard work sometimes though! Chrystal@yumeating.com
HI Chrystal! We are just putting together the group for 2014 if you would like to join. I invite everyone regardless of where they are on their real food journey. I want to build a community to support each other. Just send me your facebook email (the one you sign in with) if you want me to add you to the group. My email is jugglingrealfoodandreallife@gmail.com
Love it! I'm looking forward to your posts and will make sure to link to and share them 🙂
Thanks Lydia! I appreciate your support. As you know, I am a big fan of yours.
I need to join in! We have succumbed to holiday eating and we ALWAYS need to find ways to add more fruits and veggies, especially in the winter!
Hi Scarlett! I would love to have you join our group. We are building a community to support each other and who couldn't use that? Just send me your facebook email (the one you sign in with) if you want me to add you to the FB group. My email is jugglingrealfoodandreallife@gmail.com
This sounds like just what I want and need for the new year.
I would love for you to join our group Deborah! We are putting together a wonderful support group on Facebook. If you would like to be added, just send me your facebook email (the one you sign in with) if you want me to add you to the group. My email is jugglingrealfoodandreallife@gmail.com
i would love to join both!!!
I sent an invite to the FB group, but I don't see that you have been added yet. Did you have a problem with the invite?
What a great idea, and way to educate others, thanks for sharing on Real Food Fridays, join us again.
Thank you for your kind words Joyce! We are really creating change here and it feels so good.