Quite a while ago, my dear blogging friend Nicky at Little Family Adventure asked if anyone would like to share a post about their hometown for her Hometown Adventure Series. I will do just about anything Nicky asks of me so I quickly volunteered. Then………..I thought, “What the heck have I gotten myself into?” I’m a food blogger. I’m not a travel blogger. I live about 20 minutes outside of Cleveland, Ohio and I love the city. I have lived here for most of my life. I figure I have plenty to talk about.
Cleveland is the city I went to for field trips as an elementary school student, saw my first professional baseball game, and dreamed about being on safari at the zoo. Cleveland is where I saw my first Broadway play. Cleveland is where I partied for my bachelorette party. Boy! That was a night I will never forget. And most importantly…………….Cleveland is where my babies were born. Head on over to Nicky’s blog Little Family Adventure and see a little bit more about why I love Cleveland so. Make sure you leave a comment for Nicky and let her know that you are stopping in from Let’s Get Real and let me know if I pulled off this travel blogger gig. And…………..next time I will be back to food.
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Loved your post over at Nicky's place! It was fun learning more about Cleveland.
Thanks so much Michelle. Cleveland is a treasure that has been kept a secret for way too long.