Hi there! Welcome back. It’s time to talk again about easy real food meals. My oldest son, who is away at college is going to be living in an apartment for the first time next year. He is getting excited about all of the new grown-up things he will get to do. One of those things is cooking his own meals.
In my first Easy Real Food Recipes for College Students post, I talked about how my son asked me to put together a binder of recipes for him. He wants meals that are both quick and easy to prepare…….. and easy on the budget. As a college student, he will likely be short on both time and money. One thing that he does have going for him is some basic cooking skills. Between cooking at Boy Scout camp for years and years and some lessons from me, he has plenty of skills to negotiate his new kitchen. Starting from quite a young age, he watched cooking programs on the Food Network. We thought it was quite cute when he was a little kid. Some kids watch cartoons. My kid watches the Food Network. He is excited to start cooking in his new kitchen.
One of my family’s favorites dinners is breakfast. Yes, I said it. Breakfast! We love to eat traditional breakfast foods at all times of the day. I pack lunches with hard boiled eggs and pancakes on a regular basis.
And here is my biggest secret to Juggling Real Food and Real Life…………..
Gourmet meals with lots of ingredients are great when you have time, but when dinnertime seems to disappear. Breakfast is one of the quickest meals to make. Really quick! When our family is really pressed for time and fast food seems to be our only option, I go to my breakfast for dinner plan. I can scramble eggs and make some whole wheat toast in no time. Add some fruit and/or vegetables and we have a quick nutritious meal.
If we have just a few more minutes, we will often make whole wheat or cinnamon spelt pancakes and scrambled eggs. I like to make whole wheat pancakes from scratch, but I will often use Hodgson Mill’s Insta-Bake. The ingredients work pretty well with our real food rules and there are just a few ingredients to add to make pancakes. Nice and easy!
Son, don’t be afraid to eat traditional breakfast foods at any time of day. These recipes are quick and easy and perfect for a college budget. Simple foods that are packed with nutrition is what eating real food is all about. You can impress your friends with your incredible cooking skills on a day that you have more time. For now……….hurry up and get to class!
I’ve talked long enough…….now it’s your turn. Let me know what your favorite simple real food meal is. Do you eat breakfast for dinner or just leave those foods to the morning? What cooking advice do you have to share with my boy?
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You might also be interested in: 10 Easy Ways to Include More Fruits and Vegetables in Your Breakfast
We LOVE breakfast for dinner! It is a fast dinner, and usually inexpensive as well. I'm glad to hear we aren't the only ones who enjoy this! 🙂
Welcome to the "Brinner" club! Fast, easy, and inexpensive. That's how we roll. Of course, we like that to include nutritious and delicious as well.
I love breakfast for dinner. Waffles are my favorite. Great idea.
Waffles make for great dinners! I like to make extra and freeze them for quick breakfast and lunches. They toast really nice.
I'm going to look for the Insta Bake. One of the local groceries sell Hodgson's Mills products. We will have breakfast for dinner or soup and sandwich when we're pressed for time.
Soup and sandwiches make for a great quick meal, especially when the soup is cooked in a crock pot all day.
We had breakfast for dinner last night! Stopping by from the link up, thanks for hosting!
We are huge fans of breakfast any time of the day in our household too. We probably go through 2 dozen eggs a week because of it although I see nothing wrong with that….
Too funny Carie! We usually buy 2 dozen eggs at a time, too. Good food is good food…………no matter the time of day.
We rarely eat breakfast for dinner, but that's probably because none of us can agree on anything. I would love omelettes or frittatas but my husband hates eggs, The kids could go either way, but I don't really care for pancakes. Never easy.
Never easy is right! I have half my family who doesn't think it's a meal without meat and the other half who doesn't want meat. I can usually get them to agree on breakfast. I often make a bit of a buffet and everyone can take what they want. We all like eggs so that helps. Omelettes are fun because I can fill them with what everyone likes. Veggies, meat……….we all agree on the cheese!
We love breakfast for dinner (or anytime really). My husband makes the best pancakes, and omelettes are a definite favorite. Have a great weekend!