My friends and I are getting ready to send our children off to college. We have been sharing stories about all of the funny things we have been doing because our kids our heading out to college soon. We’ve read some great posts on Facebook on this subject so I thought I would write my own up to keep the laughter going a little longer……..and maybe justify to ourselves that we are not really crazy.
This is not the first time that I am sending a son off to college. In fact, my oldest just graduated from Bowling Green State University. We are very proud of him. I thought it might be easier to send my second son off to college. After all, I have experience now. I know what to expect. Plenty of people have also pointed out to me that I still have two children at home, so that should make things easier. While I will certainly still be busy, the feelings in my heart haven’t changed. I will still miss that boy like crazy. There is just something about watching this amazing experience of your children growing up. It’s exciting to see them experience new things, but it hurts just a little to know that they will be experiencing all of these new things without the need to hold your hand.
12 Ways to Know Your Son is Going to College Soon
- You follow him around all summer. I bet your stalking skills have gotten really good. I know I am much more stealthy than I used to be. It takes longer for him to notice me hovering over his bed as he sleeps.
- Complain about who will be the tall person in the house to get things out of the cupboards. (Is this just a short mom thing?)
- And its companion complaint………Who will be the muscle to pick up the heavy things for you?
- Taking pictures of your son doing all kinds of rather ordinary things. There he is sitting on the couch, eating his cereal, putting on his shoes….. We must document everything!
- Prone to panic attacks…………Every time you look at the calendar and realize the first day of classes is getting closer. What is the cat going to do without him? Maybe we need to get another cat so she has company? Oh no……..the poor cat…………how will she ever survive without him????
- Hours and hours of crying while looking at pictures and creating scrapbooks as we remember how darn cute our little boy was. That’s normal, right? At least it is cheaper than therapy.
- The talk. I was a sorority girl and it is very important to me that I raise a son that is not a “dog”. That’s what we called the boys that were not good for dating or marrying back in my day……if you catch my drift. I want my son to know that if he ever finds a girl who needs help that he better help her and never, never, never take advantage of the situation. If I find out that he is a “dog” in any way, the wrath of Mom will come down hard! You probably have your own version of this “talk”.
- You are willing to do just about anything just to spend a few minutes with him. Sure, I would love to watch that TV show that I have absolutely no interest in with you. Hooray!
- Random stuff makes your burst out into tears……… all of the sports refrigerator picture magnets that we glance at several times a day; the Welcome to College Orientation postcard on the bulletin board; the dishes he leaves scattered around the house; the Mother’s Day card he made you in kindergarten with the note that says he is going to “live with you forever Mommy.” Yes, I’m even crying as I write this.
- Everything he does is so cute. You know what I mean. The way that he doesn’t make his bed is suddenly cute. The sarcastic comments are even adorable these days. The way he ignores your texts. So cute!
- You realize that you have bought him all new socks, underwear, and everything you can find at the “Going to College” section of your local store. Heaven forbid if our sons do not have what they need. Now, how do we get all of this stuff to school? Maybe the grandparents can bring their car too??
- On the positive side………..we can get rid of their dirt. Start planning for new furniture or carpeting. Make sure you schedule the delivery for “after” their move-out dates. Your house is going to look good!
To all of you mothers out there. You can do this! We need to bond together and take care of each other. That sick feeling you have in the pit of your stomach is completely normal. It will fade with time as your son starts his next new adventure in life. You have prepared him well. He is going to be just fine. Just make sure you have already booked your hotel room for parents’ weekend. Those hotels book up quick and you are so going!
Make sure you don’t miss Part 2 of the series here.
This is wonderful, Christina! And so very true!
Gaye @CalmHealthySexy recently posted…15 Minutes for Your Marriage – Healthy Marriage Tip of the Week
Thanks Gaye!
On the positive side………..we can get rid of their dirt. How true is that! Great post!

christina recently posted…5 Tips for Perfect Smoothies
Always keeping things real………and positive! Thanks so much for stopping by to visit.