Welcome back to Day 13 of Freedom from Clutter in 40 Days. If you are tired of the burden of clutter then this series is for you. Day by day we are getting rid of the items that weigh us down, slow us down, and get in the way of having time to spend with our families.
We invite you to join our special Facebook group to share your ideas, joys, concerns, and declutter stories with us. Together, we are learning to find Freedom from Clutter. This is a focused 40 day program, but we plan to keep the group going all year long. You can join us at any time. What is really fun about this project is that we are sharing our real struggles with clutter. There are no organization experts here. We are just real people sharing our real life experiences including our frustrations and joy as we declutter our homes.
We are devoting this week to decluttering our clothing. Wherever it may be……. in your closets, drawers, or other storage. Let’s work on reducing the clothing in our homes to only what fits, clothing we actually wear, and clothing we absolutely love. Pick your kid’s clothing or your clothing. It’s up to you. Don’t get too overwhelmed. It took a while for this mess to accumulate and it’s not going to clean itself up in a day either. I just want you to get started so you feel like you are moving in the right direction. Work 15-20 minutes at a time. Set a timer so you don’t get lost in the work. When you are done, reward yourself with some Facebook time, a cup of tea, a nap…….whatever makes you happy.
Decluttering Shirts and More
The first thing we have to do when it comes to decluttering our clothing is accept that clothing can be clutter. Everyone has a different tolerance for clutter. That is the point where you start to feel overwhelmed by your stuff. Some people can keep a completely organized home with lots and lots of stuff. Other people can be quickly overwhelmed with just a few things. There is a trend now to create a “capsule wardrobe”. That is keeping just a few intentional pieces of clothing that coordinate to create different outfits. The capsule wardrobe seems to be a reaction to lots of folks feeling overwhelmed by the amount of clothing they own and therefore, the amount of laundry that is created.
I dream of a day where I do laundry, fold it, and then put it back in the drawers. That is not a reality for me right now because I have not properly decluttered the clothing in my house. Laundry is NEVER done in my house. Yes, I said it. There are always piles and piles of laundry to do. Now to some this may sound like my family has a ton of money and we just buy and buy and buy clothes all of the time. That is far from the truth. The reality is that seasons change, kids grow, and I hold on to everything. If you can relate even a little bit to being overwhelmed by laundry, keep reading.
Today, we are starting with shirts. Why shirts? Because we have to start somewhere. That is why. Pull out every shirt, hoodie, sweater, blazer, and blouse that you own. Quickly go through them once creating three piles. Keep, get rid of, and not sure. Those items that you are keeping can go back into the closets and drawers. Those items that you are getting rid of will be tossed, turned into rags, or donated. See where I like to donate here. The third pile is going to take a little longer. Try on each piece and look into a mirror. Do you absolutely love it? If not, put it in the donate pile.
We are not going to hold on to items that you might fit into if you lose weight. Let’s face it…..if you lose weight, you are going to want all new clothes. You are also going to resist the urge to hold on to sentimental clothing pieces. I held on to an ugly denim shirt for a long time because I wore it when I first brought my baby (he is now 23) home from the hospital. That’s crazy! I certainly don’t need a shirt to remind me how important my son is to me. You are really going to reduce how many clothes you have and you are not going to worry about not having enough. In fact, if it makes you feel better, you can start creating a list of those items that may need to be replaced. If you throw away a bunch of ratty tank tops, perhaps you will want to replace them down the road. Put that on your list and start looking for those items to go on sale. I know I have a bad habit of holding on to old white shirts that I wear under sweaters and jackets. Then when it comes to getting dressed, I refuse to wear them because they are too dingy or stained. Why are they in my drawers if I’m never going to wear them? Fear! It’s time to let go of that fear. It’s holding us back from the freedom of a clutter-free home that we so badly crave.
Step out in faith today and throw away those old shirts and donate some of the items that no longer fit or you no longer love. You can be a blessing to others with this simple act. It feels so good to free your home of clutter. Just a few minutes each day gets you there. Each item tossed or donated feels like a victory.
Share with us some of your decluttering stories. What are some of the items that you have been holding on to? Do you think you have a high or low tolerance for clutter? What do you think stands in your way when it comes to decluttering?
On another note……..if you are interested in simple recipes your family is sure to love make sure you check out my recipe index. I am adding new recipes all of the time so make sure you check back often. You will also want to grab this free meal-planning printable calendar to make your meal planning easier. It has areas to plan your daily activities and your evening meal prep.
For more in the Freedom from Clutter in 40 Days series, click the image below.
This is a great series Christina! Thank you!
Janelle@The Peaceful Haven recently posted…Financial Health Budgeting Basics
I’m glad you are enjoying it Janelle. I’m getting lots of great feedback which is very encouraging. Decluttering is more fun with friends.