Today’s post is about decluttering, but it is so much more. This is a decluttering post with heart. I totally get it. Decluttering is so much more than donating unused items to charity and throwing stuff away. Besides getting rid of stuff that we no longer need, we have to purge ourselves emotionally and adjust to a new way of life. For some folks change is easy, but for others transition is difficult and that is when we see the clutter start to pile up. Often, the clutter starts to pile up without us even realizing it. That is the boat that I am in right now.
In just a few more weeks, my daughter and her friends will be starting middle school. I’ve been through the middle school years with her two older brothers, but having a daughter in middle school scares me to death for some reason. Can any of you relate? My husband and I often talk about middle school as something that you must “survive” so that you can then go on to enjoy high school. So much change……so many hormones………..Yikes! I’m finding that the transition to middle school is a whole pressure-cooker of emotions for both daughters and their moms. Excited, scared, worried, excited again……and so much more. Middle school is a big deal!
My friends and I have been sharing pictures of our girls over the years and enjoying reminiscing about their younger years. I’ve known some of my daughter’s friends since they were in kindergarten. They’ve been through a lot together. As you can see in the picture above, they are as close as sisters and love to have fun together. I don’t want that closeness to change. I want to keep them little forever. I want my daughter to always hold my hand when we walk together. I want to hear her giggle in the backseat of my car as she and her friends tell silly jokes. I want to be the person she confides in and asks for advice. Just a second……Let me grab a tissue for these tears.
Middle school is a huge transition. Friendships change. Middle school kids no longer look to play with toys. Middle school friendships are primarily based on conversation. Sitting together and chatting about boys, makeup, school and of course…….endless text messages. I’ve come to realize that holding on to my daughter’s toys won’t keep her little. No matter how much I want her toys to have that magical power. The toys are just clutter in the house.
[bctt tweet=”I’ve come to realize that holding on to my daughter’s toys won’t keep her little. It’s time to declutter.” username=”jugglngrealfood”]
Although I am not ready for my daughter to grow up, she clearly is ready for the transition. It’s time for me to put aside my hang ups and help her to make the transition to middle school with less clutter. When I approached her about decluttering her room, she was more than willing to ditch all of her “baby stuff” in order to have a more grown up room. Into the donation box went lots of things including:
- Barbies
- Monster High dolls
- Doll clothes
- Rainbow Loom
- Lots of princess stuff
- Lots of random pink stuff
- Junie B Jones books
- Various stuffed animals
- Hats and little purses that are “too babyish”
- Unicorn and princess throw pillows
- and a whole bunch of toys that were purchased because she “just had to have it”
We mothers grow older with our children. Perhaps, that is why we are so reluctant for them to grow up. I encourage you to grab your daughter’s hand and let her help you through this transition. She is ready. She is ready to put her clutter into a box and send it on to be a blessing to another family. It’s ok to find a quiet spot in your house and let those tears fall. Just don’t let those tears stop you from decluttering your home. Your whole family will be better off with more space to create their future.
Just so you know…………she held on to “Baby”. Baby is her favorite lovey since she was a baby. She may be growing up, but she still holds on to what and who matters the most. Some things never change. I’m pretty sure “Baby” will be going to college one day. I’m also certain that “Mommy” will always be important to my daughter, even if she calls me “Mom”.
What items have you decluttered lately? Have you noticed the emotional bond that we have with our stuff? Are your children starting middle school? Have your children survived middle school and you now have advice for us? Leave us a comment. We can’t wait to hear from you.
For more decluttering tips, advice, and motivation click on the image below.
I am relating. Between my husband and I, we have 5 children. My older sons are grown, married (30s), his are grown (20s), college years. Then we have our son going to middle school. It’s the toys and memories amongst the clutter. What to keep for them, and for mom. It’s hard to let go of some of the memories. But it’s so much stuff! It had to be done. Goodbye Hess trucks, tonkas, and superheros. Hello scrapbook. =D
Now off to the rest of the house. Love your tips!
Robin @ Redo It Yourself Inspirations recently posted…Farmhouse Vegetable Stand
I love your posts on decluttering – they inspire and motivate me to get rid of the stuff I no longer need. This is, indeed, a decluttering post “with heart”. 🙂
Ana@CelebratingSunshine recently posted…MONTHLY CELEBRATION
I was just talking about this last night with my husband! Our kids are getting older and the playroom needs an overhaul! thanks for sharing and motivating!
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