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It’s a new year so it’s the perfect time to start off with lots of new healthy habits. I hear a lot of talk about how using reusable containers is good for the environment. That’s great news! Now, let me let you in on a secret. I use reusable containers, wraps, and napkins because it’s easier for me. Yes, I said it. It’s easier. I spend all of my time running around with my kids and I don’t have time to go to the store all of the time for little sandwich baggies and paper towels. I have 5 ways you can live greener this year whether you are interested in leaving a smaller carbon footprint, interested in living more frugally, or a mom too busy for stores all of the time.
5 Ways to Live Greener This Year
1.Pack a more earth-friendly and easier-to-pack lunch: I used to use plastic baggies for my kids lunches. I thought they were my only option. This year give the kinder to the earth (and your wallet) by reusable sandwich bags a try. I really like the LunchSkins. They are fabric bags that come in all kinds of bright colors and fun patterns. You can use them for sandwiches, veggies, fruit and more.
2.Use less paper towels: One of the easiest things to cut back on is paper towel usage. My friends think I’m a bit crazy for not using paper towels, but this is really the easiest switch. Reusable cotton washcloths do the same thing and don’t end up in the trash can. I really like the Tidy Dish Cloths, which even have a little texture for scrubbing counters and pans. Just toss them in your laundry and you will always have a cloth to use. No more worrying about running out of paper towels.
3.Dump the plastic straws: You’ve probably already heard the buzz on plastic straws and what they do to our marine life. There are estimates that saywe use more than 500 million straws every day in America. Many of these straws end up polluting our oceans and harming the creatures that live in them. I’ve always been a person who wants to protect marine life. I gave up eating tuna during my college years until it became dolphin safe. I’ve tried using the glass, stainless steel and silicone straws as an alternative. The silicone straws are probably best for kids. Give them a try and let me know what you think.
4.Use reusable grocery bags: My favorite store ALDI doesn’t provide bags That forced me to take a look at using reusable bags which is great for the environment. You have to come prepared, but it’s an easy habit to create. MightyNest has a grocery shopping set which includes two nylon shopping bags and five smaller mesh bags designed for produce.
5.Use reusable water bottles: We all know that plastic water bottles are not good for the environment and reusable water bottles have been a thing for a long time. What is new are all of the modern designs that make them a style statement in their own right. The LifeFactory water bottles are my favorite because of all of the different colors. Each member of your family can choose their favorite color.
Bonus tip! One of my favorite ways to make small, healthy changes each month is by subscribing to MightyFix from MightyNest. I have been a subscriber for over a year and I love it! For only $10 per month, I receive a product valued at $10 or more. It’s so fun to get a nice little present for myself each month. Month by month I am able to try new green products and stop buying disposable products. One of my favorite products is the Bee’s Wrap. This innovative product is great for wrapping sandwiches or other little pieces of food you may have. Bee’s Wrap is made of organic cotton muslin, beeswax, jojoba oil, and tree resin. The natural antibacterial properties of the jojoba oil and beeswax help keep food fresh and allow you to use the Bee’s Wrap over and over. This month MightyNest is offering all of the Juggling Real Food and Real Life readers a special deal. Just try the MightyFix for only $3 and MightyNest will send you 2 sheets of Bee’s Wrap. It’s a pretty cool deal!

Let me know which of these greener living tips you are going to try first. Have you tried a MightyFix? If so, what do you think of it?? Let’s get the conversation going. I can’t wait to hear from you!
What a great idea, I will sure be trying this.
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