Like my readers, my life is busy. Juggling Real Food and Real Life is not just the name of this blog, it is my way of life. It’s a way of life for a lot of parents that I know. My kids are active with sports and scouting and I work a full-time job outside of the home. My husband and I are scout leaders and Sunday school teachers. I always give all of my heart and soul to everything I do, including this blog. I’m tired.
Social media is more work than I could have possible imagined. I spend countless hours tweeting, hanging out on Facebook, and pinning posts to Pinterest. I hardly ever have good light to photograph recipes since I cook dinner at 8:30 at night after football practice when we finally get home. The rest of the year, it is just dark when I get home at 5:30. My children need me and keep me hopping. Blogging is hard work. Perhaps, the world doesn’t really need Juggling Real Food and Real Life.
There has been so much improvement in the food industry since we started this blog back in 2012. I see more and more natural and organic products at the stores. You can even find wonderful food products at discount stores like Aldi and Walmart now. Did you ever think that quinoa would be mainstream? Remember when we couldn’t pronounce quinoa? It is not that long ago. I have even noticed an improvement in our local school lunch selections. That is progress! I always thought that people just needed information to make informed decisions and the food industry would have to respond. We vote with our dollars and the food industry wants our dollars. It just makes sense. Perhaps, the world really doesn’t need Juggling Real Food and Real Life.
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, the world does still need real food blogs. While out and about I overheard two different conversations that changed my mind. The first one goes something like this……..Grandma shows up to practice and sees her daughter (the mom of this story)………….”Hi honey, I brought little Johnny a snack for after practice. I didn’t want to bring him junk food so I brought him this.” She then goes on to show little boxes of very colorful and very sugary cereal. Head smack! It’s all I could do to keep my mouth shut. Here is a very loving grandmother who doesn’t have a clue. She doesn’t want to bring junk food? She says that. However, the amount of sugar in that cereal is horrendous! And if you don’t already despise artificial colors as much as I do, maybe you may want to read these two articles. Dump The Artificial Colors and Artificial Colors – Why They Are Enemy #1 In My House. Let’s think about this…..Little Johnny has exercised at practice which is good for his body. Afterwards, he is going to sugar himself up and be expected to behave and then go to bed without a fuss. Good luck mom! It’s going to be a long night.
The other story is well know around our football practices. In youth football there is a maximum weight to play. These are children we are talking about so we don’t want an adult-sized child playing with the little ones for safety reasons. Sometimes we have children who are “on the bubble”. The children are required to weigh in before each game. One pound over the max weight and that child has to sit out the game. None of us want that for our children or our team. They just want to play! It makes sense that if your child is on the bubble, that it would be very important for them to eat real whole foods to maintain their weight and fuel them to play. I have heard over and over that “they are kids…………they should be able to eat donuts if they want.” Sure sugary treats are fun once in a while, but isn’t health more important? Why is it still that so many of us parents feel like we are not being “good parents” if we don’t allow our children to have sugary treats? When did treats become better parenting than fruits and vegetables??
God is amazing! Just as I was thinking about giving up Juggling Real Food and Real Life because I was no longer needed, God reminds me that there is still much work to be done. I get it. I have figured out the messages You sent. As parents, we all want what is best for our children. The messages can be confusing though. That’s why Juggling Real Food and Real Life exists. Together, we will figure out what the best food is for our family, how to prepare it with our busy schedules, maintain our balance and calm in all areas of our lives, and have fun all along the way………My new mission statement. I hope you will continue to join me on this real food journey and share our website with your friends. There is still so much work to be done and I need your help. Thank you friends!
Tell me your stories. Leave me a comment below and let me know why you think we still need real food blogs……….or maybe why they are no longer needed. I’m serious! I really want to hear from you. Let’s Get the conversation going.
Hi Christina – I totally get that blogging can be very discouraging, as I am feeling it too. I do think that we need real food blogs, but in particular I think that we need YOUR real food blog. Why? Because you tell it like it is, then develop solutions that balance eating real food with living a real (and busy!) life. That is what people need. It isn’t enough to have facts (although clearly some people clearly still need facts!). People need solutions that work with their busy lives, and that is what you provide.
Gaye @CalmHealthySexy recently posted…I Need Your Input and Advice, Please
Christina, love how you share what any blogger feels, “Am I making a difference? Does my blogging matter?” I love that you went through the process and have decided that yes, you and your blog are still needed. We are such a distance away from eating healthy. We continue to need people like you to be there for the Mom who needs the help. Thanks for all you do.
Karen Grosz recently posted…7 Day Healthy Habits Challenge Starts Soon
Blogger burnout happens in any niche, and it’s always nice to know you’re wanted and needed. I certainly know so much more about food choices than I did five years ago! I appreciate your gentle way of teaching and suggesting ideas without accusing. The worst thing you could have done for that Grandma would have been to say something to her right then. “Healthy Food” people got a bad reputation years ago because they suddenly burst onto the scene proclaiming their opinions and pushing their particular diets on those around them. When things are so quick to change (eggs are good, eggs are bad, eggs are good again; milk is good, milk is the the devil, milk is OK again) the general public just gets turned off. So hurray for those who quietly go about their lives and conduct themselves in a consistent manner! When you can show someone who’s looking how things have changed for you, THAT’s when you make a difference!
Nicole Burkholder recently posted…Let’s Get Real #157
SO true! Thanks for hanging in there. I’ve been teaching this for more than 20 years and there is sill many who just don’t know. Keep the food real, folks! Shop the perimeter of the grocery store- that’s always my biggest hint.
People do want to know, they are just so confused by advertising etc. We recently found some organic nacho cheese tortilla chips. What a joy to occasionally enjoy some “Junk food.”
Keep on keeping on!
I couldn’t agree with you more, Christina. As a real food blogger myself, I have struggled with the question- is my blog making any difference in anybody’s life? You have put it so well in this post. I’m so excited that I found your blog today. Following your blog and look forward to updates.